
Star Schema The Complete Reference Pdf Free Download

In calculating, the star schema is the simplest manner of information mart schema and is the approach nigh widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional information marts.[one] The star schema consists of i or more fact tables referencing any number of dimension tables. The star schema is an important special case of the snowflake schema, and is more effective for handling simpler queries.[two]

The star schema gets its name from the physical model'southward[iii] resemblance to a star shape with a fact tabular array at its centre and the dimension tables surrounding it representing the star's points.

Model [edit]

The star schema separates business process data into facts, which hold the measurable, quantitative data about a business, and dimensions which are descriptive attributes related to fact data. Examples of fact data include sales price, sale quantity, and time, distance, speed and weight measurements. Related dimension attribute examples include product models, product colors, product sizes, geographic locations, and salesperson names.

A star schema that has many dimensions is sometimes called a centipede schema.[four] Having dimensions of only a few attributes, while simpler to maintain, results in queries with many table joins and makes the star schema less easy to use.

Fact tables [edit]

Fact tables record measurements or metrics for a specific upshot. Fact tables generally consist of numeric values, and strange keys to dimensional information where descriptive information is kept.[four] Fact tables are designed to a low level of uniform detail (referred to as "granularity" or "grain"), significant facts tin record events at a very diminutive level. This can result in the accumulation of a large number of records in a fact table over time. Fact tables are defined equally one of three types:

  • Transaction fact tables record facts about a specific event (e.g., sales events)
  • Snapshot fact tables tape facts at a given point in fourth dimension (east.k., account details at month end)
  • Accumulating snapshot tables tape amass facts at a given point in time (east.g., total month-to-date sales for a production)

Fact tables are generally assigned a surrogate key to ensure each row tin be uniquely identified. This central is a simple principal key.

Dimension tables [edit]

Dimension tables usually have a relatively small number of records compared to fact tables, but each record may have a very large number of attributes to describe the fact data. Dimensions can define a wide diversity of characteristics, just some of the most common attributes defined by dimension tables include:

  • Time dimension tables describe time at the lowest level of time granularity for which events are recorded in the star schema
  • Geography dimension tables describe location data, such every bit land, state, or metropolis
  • Product dimension tables draw products
  • Employee dimension tables describe employees, such every bit sales people
  • Range dimension tables describe ranges of time, dollar values or other measurable quantities to simplify reporting

Dimension tables are generally assigned a surrogate primary central, ordinarily a single-column integer data type, mapped to the combination of dimension attributes that form the natural primal.

Benefits [edit]

Star schemas are denormalized, meaning the typical rules of normalization practical to transactional relational databases are relaxed during star-schema design and implementation. The benefits of star-schema denormalization are:

  • Simpler queries – star-schema join-logic is generally simpler than the join logic required to retrieve data from a highly normalized transactional schema.
  • Simplified business reporting logic – when compared to highly normalized schemas, the star schema simplifies mutual business reporting logic, such as period-over-period and as-of reporting.
  • Query performance gains – star schemas can provide performance enhancements for read-merely reporting applications when compared to highly normalized schemas.
  • Fast aggregations – the simpler queries against a star schema can result in improved performance for aggregation operations.
  • Feeding cubes – star schemas are used by all OLAP systems to build proprietary OLAP cubes efficiently; in fact, most major OLAP systems provide a ROLAP style of operation which can utilise a star schema direct as a source without building a proprietary cube construction.

Disadvantages [edit]

The main disadvantage of the star schema is that it's not as flexible in terms of analytical needs every bit a normalized data model.[ citation needed ] Normalized models allow any kind of belittling query to exist executed, then long every bit it follows the business organisation logic divers in the model. Star schemas tend to exist more purpose-built toward a particular view of the information, thus not actually allowing more complex analytics.[ commendation needed ] Star schemas don't easily back up many-to-many relationships betwixt business entities. Typically these relationships are simplified in a star schema in order to conform to the simple dimensional model.

Another disadvantage is that data integrity is not well-enforced due to its denormalized land[ citation needed ]. One-off inserts and updates can consequence in data anomalies, which normalized schemas are designed to avoid. More often than not speaking, star schemas are loaded in a highly controlled fashion via batch processing or near real-time "trickle feeds", to recoup for the lack of protection afforded by normalization.

Example [edit]

Star schema used past instance query.

Consider a database of sales, perhaps from a store chain, classified by date, store and product. The image of the schema to the right is a star schema version of the sample schema provided in the snowflake schema article.

Fact_Sales is the fact table and in that location are three dimension tables Dim_Date, Dim_Store and Dim_Product.

Each dimension table has a primary fundamental on its Id column, relating to one of the columns (viewed as rows in the case schema) of the Fact_Sales table'south three-column (chemical compound) primary key (Date_Id, Store_Id, Product_Id). The not-main key Units_Sold cavalcade of the fact table in this case represents a mensurate or metric that tin exist used in calculations and analysis. The non-principal central columns of the dimension tables stand for additional attributes of the dimensions (such as the Year of the Dim_Date dimension).

For example, the following query answers how many TV sets have been sold, for each make and country, in 1997:

                        SELECT            P            .            Brand            ,            S            .            Country            As            Countries            ,            SUM            (            F            .            Units_Sold            )            FROM            Fact_Sales            F            INNER            JOIN            Dim_Date            D            ON            (            F            .            Date_Id            =            D            .            Id            )            INNER            JOIN            Dim_Store            S            ON            (            F            .            Store_Id            =            S            .            Id            )            INNER            Join            Dim_Product            P            ON            (            F            .            Product_Id            =            P            .            Id            )            WHERE            D            .            Yr            =            1997            AND            P            .            Product_Category            =            'television receiver'            Grouping            By            P            .            Make            ,            S            .            Country          

Run across besides [edit]

  • Data warehouse
  • Online analytical processing
  • Reverse star schema
  • Snowflake schema
  • Fact constellation
  • Activity schema

References [edit]

  1. ^ Dedić, N. and Stanier C., 2016., "An Evaluation of the Challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse Development" in 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2016, p. 196.
  2. ^ DWH Schemas, 2009, archived from the original on 16 July 2010
  3. ^ ", p. 708
  4. ^ a b Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross, The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (2d Edition), p. 393

External links [edit]

  • Stars: A Pattern Language for Query Optimized Schema
  • Fact constellation schema


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